Welcome to the World of T-Medley!


Timeless Tradition, Modern Twist

Pouring Our Love into Every Brew

Handcrafted with Care; From gardens to your cup

Pure Spices, Perfect Chai

Exclusive Single Garden Teas from Darjeeling and Assam. Limited Batches – Order Now!

Our commitment entails providing premium, ethically sourced tea & tisanes, conscientiously blended & sustainably packaged. Our guiding values are presently in harmony with over 9 of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Tea Of The Month

Limon Zing

Embark on a journey towards revitalization with our triumphant blend! Green Tea, ginger, and lemon unite in a harmonious symphony dedicated to enhancing your well-being. Enriched with antioxidants, this infusion delivers a burst of energy and rejuvenation with every sip. Let each cup be a testament to freshness and vitality, as you indulge in the goodness of this zingy elixir, sip by sip.

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